we code design
More than 20 years of experience in building the Web.
Cross disciplinary skills. Speakers and organizers of leading industry conferences. Italian based, international portfolio.
A team of talented professionals with one common passion.
Matteo Fogli
Matteo brings over twenty years of experience in managing creative projects delivered to the Web.
With a strong background in interface design, visual graphics, brand image and advertising, Matteo accompanies clients and their projects to online delivery, balancing and resolving all stakeholders’ needs thanks to a long and diversified local and international experience.
Prior to Modo Matteo was in Reply, Armando Testa Group, Orange 021, Sulake Oy, and Mondadori Group.
Emanuele Rodriguez
Emanuele is Modo’s lead delivery engineer, responsible for toolchains and build processes to ensure code is built clean and delivered flawlessly in every project.
With over twenty years of international experience in leading web agencies, Emanuele has an intimate familiarity with design review and analysis and brings deep knowledge and expertise in standards‐based modern markup and styling, on top of an impeccable eye for detecting and squashing bugs.
Prior to Modo Emanuele was in Inte, Tangent Audiovisual, Source23, Orchestra, FullSix Inferentia DNM. He has been an active board member of From the Front conference.